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Would you like to upgrade your training with our Brain Pro® “Easier Training” nutritional supplement?
This is a time-limited New Customer Offer:
Upgrade your order now, and save $20 right away as well as over $299 per year, PLUS get brain-training games for free!
What will Brain Pro® do for your dog and training process?
In short, give you that small advantage that makes training just so much easier, while improving the overall brain/mental health of your dog, addressing future problems like cognitive decline, and saving you potentially thousands of dollars (if not more!) on expensive treatments down the line (or heartache of seeing your best friend suffer needlessly).
Healthier, happier dogs are easier to train – but the paradox is that in order to be healthier and happier – your dog needs to be trained first… right?
Our unique made-for-training supplements gives you a head-start that will help your dog be just a little bit…
- Happier
- Calmer
- Less distracted
…during the training process.
These effects add up to a much smoother training process that is a whole lot less frustrating.
Is your dog…?
- A bit “hyper”? Excitable, or even aggressive…?
- Too “jumpy”? Barking non-stop?
- Highly energetic to the point it’s challenging to keep them focused on your commands?
Does he or she…
- Get distracted easily during training or at the dog park?
- Forget you exist when there’s a cat, child or another dog around?
Our supplements are designed to specifically address those issues, and more.
Are you worried about your dog’s future brain/mental health? Vet expenses?
You should be. So many brain-related ailments in dogs are either irreversible or cost so much that dog owners find themselves facing the heart-wrenching choice between an extremely costly treatment – or putting their dog down.
The earlier you start taking care of your dog’s brain and mental health – the better your chances of avoiding such expenses, and your dog’s chances of avoiding years of useless pain and suffering, or cognitive decline & dementia (CCD).
In fact, most veterinarians recommend starting supplements as early as 3 months of age to ensure good health of your dog or puppy down the line.
The other benefit of starting early? It will make your training easier and less frustrating, allowing you to enjoy a calmer, well-behaved dog sooner rather than later.
“Does my dog really need a supplement?”
Our training programs worked for years without any supplements – but we’re always on the lookout for ways to speed up the training process, while making it easier for you – so you can enjoy a well-behaved dog as early as possible.
We discovered that supplements are not only a great way to keep your dog healthy and happy, as well as saving you money or heartache down the line – they can also help during training!
And that’s precisely why we employed 2 of the top veterinary nutritionists in the country to come up with a unique, first-of-its-kind supplement that is designed to significantly speed up the training process.
During training: With Brain Pro®, you can give them a head-start that will make it so much easier for them to be obedient, calm, and focused on their training.
And after they are trained? They will LOVE feeling energized, focused and light on their feet. You’ll enjoy increased obedience and can finally stop spending your time begging for their attention.
And when they grow older? Brain Pro® will help to reduce the chances that your dog ends up suffering from cognitive decline & dementia (CCD).
If all this is important to you, then we definitely recommend taking advantage of this one-time opportunity to try out Brain Pro® now and potentially save over $299!
What ingredients does Brain Pro® contain?
Among other things, Brain Pro® is crafted with 2 key ingredients – organic coconut oil rich in Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) as well as Ginkgo Biloba.
Together, these help boost memory and cognitive speed in younger dogs and help improve cognitive function in older dogs.
Active Ingredients per Pack:
Organic MCT coconut oil 2.8 g
Ginkgo Biloba 1.4 g
Choline (from organic peanut butter) 7.0 mg
Niacin (Vitamin B-3) (from organic peanut butter) 1.5 mg
Pyridoxine (Vitamin B-6) (from organic peanut butter) 50 mcg
Folate (Vitamin B-9) (from organic peanut butter) 10 mcg
Inactive Ingredients:
Organic peanut butter
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it safe for my dog?
Of course! Brain Pro® does not contain any animal by-products, antibiotics, or artificial colors or preservatives, and is grain-free.
What flavor is the supplement? Will my dog like it?
It’s peanut butter flavored. Just about every dog we know of loves the taste of Brain Pro® 🙂
In what form is the supplement delivered?
In the form of soft chews. These work great as treats that can be given to your dog during training!
How long will each bottle last?
Each bottle has 60 soft chews. We recommend giving your dog 2 soft chews per day, so each bottle will last for 30 days.
Does Brain Pro® work for all breeds and ages?
Short answer? YES. While different breeds look different on the outside, the canine digestive system functions in more or less the same way, and Brain Pro® is designed for dogs of all breeds, sizes, and ages.
What if it doesn’t work for my dog?
Our experts at the K9 Training Institute are so confident that you’ll see noticeable results from Brain Pro®, we’re happy to offer a simple guarantee: If you’re not happy with it, you can send back the bottle to us (even if empty) within 90 days for a full refund of your purchase price.
What does it cost?
Taking care of a dog during its life-span can be costly. The earlier you invest in your dog’s brain and mental health, the more you save down the line. But more importantly: the longer you enjoy a well-behaved, happy and vibrant best friend.
With that in mind our supplement usually retails for $69.95 + $4.95 for shipping – but with this time-limited new customer offer you can save $20 immediately on the first bottle. So you can get the first bottle for $69.95 $49.95 + $4.95 for shipping.
But there’s more (Want the $20 Permanently Off + Another 10% Off + Free Shipping for life?) We know you’ll love the supplement so much you’ll want your dog to enjoy it year-round, and so we’ll also offer you a unique Subscribe & Save monthly subscription program, with a life-time 10% off (on top of the $20 off!) and free shipping if you subscribe now.
So with the Subscribe & Save program, we’ll automatically ship one bottle to you every 30 days (each bottle typically lasts for 30 days) at the further discounted price of $69.95 $49.95 $44.95 per bottle (and free shipping).
You can of course cancel at any time.
Plus, with each bottle, you’ll get a unique brain training game that will help to keep your dog’s mind sharp, improve their training, and keep them focused.
We normally sell each brain training game for $10 on our website, but you’ll get a new one free with every bottle. So that’s $120 worth of free brain training games per year!
“How much am I saving here?”
This new-customer-only offer allows you to potentially save over $3000 in supplements during your dog’s life (not to mention other health expenses and vet bills you might avoid in the future thanks to taking care of your dog’s health starting right now).
Important: This offer is only valid today from this page. If you decide to not upgrade right away, you can do so later from our website, but you’ll need to pay the full price of $69.95 + $4.95 shipping at that time.
Unconditional 90 day refund policy

If you’re not happy with our product, you can send back the bottle to us (even if empty) within 90 days for a full refund of your purchase price.